Creating Space

The next round of Creating Space begins on June 23rd, 2024

Creating Space is a collection of hour-long, small gatherings that meet for 8 weeks before or after our weekly church service (unless otherwise denoted). These different groups will help equip you to practice the way of Jesus together. 

There are three different types of Creating Space groups from which you can choose: 

engaging with God groups, journeying together groups, and spreading hope groups. 

We will operate in three 8-week terms throughout the year—spring, summer, and fall. 

For a few weeks prior to each term, we will communicate the groups that will be offered for the upcoming term. We will ask people to look over these groups and prayerfully choose one of them that you would be willing to commit to for that term. Now just to be clear, when we say commit, we don’t mean that you have to be there every week, but we will ask that you don’t move around to different groups each week.

There is no pressure to join a Creating Space group, but we do want to extend the invitation to anyone at Union Center. Whether you are new to the church or you’ve been here for decades, we invite you to create space to practice the ways of Jesus together. 

Summer 2024 Creating Space Semester

Below are our Creating Space groups for Summer of 2024. You will find a variety of groups. Some are very informal and some require more commitment, yet each group, one way or another is essential to our mission as a church. Please look over each group and plan to show up for the one that you want to join for the upcoming semester. 

Childcare will NOT be available during the summer semester, 

It will be available again during our fall semester.

Prayer Group // Meets in Prayer Room 137 on Sundays at 9am

The prayer gathering meets on Sundays before the service to intentionally engage with God through prayer. Included in this prayer time, you will be invited to pray for the upcoming service, our church, and needs within the body. Show up on Sunday at 9am to join. Led by Linda Cutting. 

Cultivating Awareness // Meets in Room 131A on Sundays at 11:30a

In this space we will practice the art of slowing down and paying attention. Together we will learn tangible ways to grow in awareness of the voice of God and the movement of the Holy Spirit through a process of becoming more aware of our breath, body, emotions and thoughts, as well as of creation and people around us. Led by Allyson Aylesworth. 

UC < 35 // *meets on Wednesday from 7 - 9pm* at the UC Cafe Area

This is a group of 18-35 year olds. It is an open Bible study and discussion based group, currently studying James. (We have questions too!) Come chat with us about life with Jesus. Contact Jeremiah for more info: 607-759-9356