UCteens // Meets downstairs in the UCteen Center on Sundays at 11:30a
All teens from 7th Grade to 12th grade are invited to join our newly formed UCteens! We will meet together on Sundays during Creating Space with new leaders who are passionate about making sure that teens feel like they have a place of belonging. Just show up downstairs to join!
The Narrow Path Book Club // Meets in Staff Conference Room on Sundays at 11:30a
Reading in conversation with others is a powerful means of life change. "The sermon on the Mount should have a warning before reading it. Something like ‘Enter at your own risk’ would do just fine. To take Jesus and his teachings seriously is to enter into a way of life that will tear down the value systems and identities we have constructed. But, dear friend, these same teachings will offer a spaciousness of soul that you and I long to live in. My burning desire is for Christ-followers to actually follow Jesus. And I believe this is the place to start." - Rich Villodas, Author of The Narrow Path. Led by Laura and Matt Kasson. Show up to join. Purchase The Narrow Path and read the Introduction and Chapter 1 for first gathering.
Journeying Together with Games // Meets in Main Street Café on Sundays at 11:30am
This group will be a great way to connect with others through various table top games, card games, board games, etc. Feel free to bring a favorite game or use what is provided. This is a low commitment but fun way to journey together! Led by Sandy Martin. Show up to join.
Sunday Morning Connection // Meets in 131A on Sundays at 8:30am
This group creates space to connect with other adults as we share life together. Through sharing our weekly life experiences, we engage with God by seeing Him work in our lives and sharing our praises. We journey together through sharing where God has been leading us throughout the week. And we spread hope in praying together and encouraging each other along life’s journey. This group is limited to four new members this semester, so contact Greg if you would like to join: g.cisz5@gmail.com
UC < 35 // *meets on Wednesday from 7 - 9pm* 131A
This is a group of 18-35 year olds that are building community with each other around the way of Jesus. Come chat with us about life with Jesus. Contact Jeremiah for more info: 607-759-9356
Women’s Group // *Meets on Thursdays at 9:30am* in Room 134
The women’s group meets on Thursday mornings starting January 15, 2025 from 9:30-11:00am. We will be going through a 19-week study on the book of Romans. Any woman can join at anytime during the study. Contact Karen to join: kmayer1550@gmail.com.
Men’s Group // *meets on Monday nights from 6:30-8:30p* in Room 134
The men’s group is space to meet with other men within our church and community. It’s an opportunity to study scripture and strengthen our spiritual walk with the Lord. We also periodically work on projects to help others in our church and the community. This group is organized by Olin Henneman. Show up to join.